
The West End Slo Pitch Association (WESPA) is governed by all rules applied by Slo Pitch National (SPN) except where noted as follows.


1. TRAPPER GLOVE only allowed on 1ST base, pitcher and/or Catcher.

2. METAL CLEATS, Toe protectors and removable cleats are not allowed for use and may result in the player’s ejection from the game.

3. RE-ENTRY of a STARTING PLAYER ONLY ALLOWED in original batting position for replacing player.

4. NO JEWELRY is to be worn at anytime. A BATTER in the batter’s box wearing jewelry will be called out IMMEDIATELY (though not removed from the game or batting order provided jewelry is removed). Players on the field of play will be asked to remove all jewelry by the umpire.

5. VERBAL ABUSE of any player or official, on the first occurrence in a game, will result in a first warning to both team captains. A second occurrence of verbal abuse, by any player, during the same game will result in the ejection of the offending player.
(a) The ejected player will then serve a 1 (one) game suspension.
(b) A second ejection of the same player for verbal abuse during the same season shall result in a hearing before the league disciplinary committee before reinstatement.

6. PHYSICAL ABUSE of any player or official shall result in an immediate ejection of the offending player.
(a) The ejected player shall be suspended for the remainder of the season.
(b) The player may appeal for reinstatement in a hearing before the league disciplinary committee before the following season.


1. The pitched ball MUST BE THROWN AT A HITTABLE SPEED TO THE BATTER. Umpires will call pitches deemed to be of excessive speed an illegal pitch and declare the pitch a ball. One warning will be given by the umpire, for excessive speed and a second warning will result in the pitcher being removed from the mound for the remainder of that game.

2. The Pitcher MUST RELEASE BALL in VICINITY OF RUBBER (Umpire discretion) but not necessarily start with foot on rubber provided the ball is PRESENTED TO THE BATTER.

3. The Pitcher MUST pitch the 11” ball to a female batter and the 12” ball to a male batter.
(3a) When the 12” ball is pitched to a female batter and hit into fair territory the female batter will have the option of accepting the result of the play or returning to the plate with a 2-0 count.
(3b) When the 12” ball is pitched to a female batter and not swung at, time is called and a 2 BALL – 0 STRIKE count will be applied.
(3c) When the 11” ball is pitched to a male batter the RESULTING PLAY will stand.

4. The strike zone is the area between the batter’s Shoulder to his/her Knee and across Home Plate.


1. TEAMS DEFAULTING games will be fined unless both the President and Opposing Captain are notified within 1 week prior to the scheduled game. Where teams have notified 1 week in advance of the defaulted game a loss will be applied but the fine will be waived.
(1a) FINES: 1ST Game – $35.00 / 2ND Game – $70.00 / 3RD Game – $100.00 (Three defaults will result in review of League Membership for the offending team by the League Executive).
(1b) Fines must be paid prior to the team’s next schedule game or the game will be a forfeit.

2. Teams must send a representative to all Captains meetings unless the President is notified within 1 week prior to the scheduled meeting.
(2a) Fine: $25.00 per meeting missed.

3. Teams must send a representative to home plate before each game who will be designated as the team captain for that game.

4. Players MUST sign a W.E.S.P.A. league waiver to be eligible to play in the league. Waivers MUST be submitted to the league SECRETARY.
(4a) A player must sign a waiver on or before June 30, participate in 5 (five) League games and be identified upon the signing team’s Post Season player list to be eligible for POST SEASON play. A $25.00 fee per eligible playoff waiver is due July 1 of each season.
(4b) Players signed on or after July 1 may play any or all of the signing team’s remaining league games, but will not be considered eligible for POST SEASON play.
(4c) Players may sign only 1 WESPA waiver per season and is eligible to play for only with the signing team.

5. Teams found to be using an ineligible player will forfeit all games the ineligible player participated in and the team captain MUST attend a hearing before the league disciplinary committee prior the team’s next game.

6. Team’s MUST submit a completed SPN insurance form to the league SECRETARY.

7. All player additions / subtractions must be forwarded to the WESPA Executive SECRETARY for notification to for insurance reasons.

8. Team Captains MUST supply a team list of POST SEASON eligible players before the start of the playoffs.

9. UMPIRE will report all scores and game summaries to the President.

10. SCOREBOOKS supplied by the league must be kept by all teams and available for review upon request by the League Executive.

11. TEAM SCOREKEEPERS should be versed in the basics of score keeping and prepared to advise the umpire of the current game status at the umpire’s request.


1. AT ALL TIMES during the playing of a game the umpire’s decision will be final.

2. PROTESTS based on umpire’s judgment alone WILL NOT be honored.

3. PROTESTS based upon WESPA or SPN rule interpretations WILL be honored and reviewed by the President.
(3a) A representative from the protesting team must submit a score sheet with the signatures of the Team Captain and the Umpire and must clearly state the rule interpretation in question.
(3b) The President will render a decision on the protest prior to the protesting team’s next game.


1. The EXECUTIVE MEMBERS headed by the VICE PRESIDENT shall be responsible for all disciplinary decisions required by the League in any case against an individual player or team for infractions of the rules requiring such action as stated in the WESPA or SPN rules.

2. Offending individuals or teams may appeal the decision of the League disciplinary committee to the League President whose decision shall be final.


1. Refer to league schedule for calendar dates of games.

2. Start times for all regular season games will be 6:15 pm, 7:50 pm and 9:25 pm.

3. Start times for all playoff games will be 6:00 pm, 7:40 pm, and 9:20 pm.

4. A grace period of 10 minutes will be allowed for the 1st Game of each game day

5. Each game consists of 9 innings or 1 hour and 35 minutes of playing time whichever occurs first (1 hour and 40 minutes for playoffs).
New innings will not begin after 1 hour and 25 minutes (1 hour and 30 minutes for playoffs).

6. Final score will be determined by the last full inning played.

7. Home team MUST put in (or supply) the bases prior to game time.

8. Mercy Rule will be applied to any team trailing by 12 or more runs and having batted in at least 6 innings and gives the losing team the option of continuing.

9. A team may only score a maximum 5 runs per inning in the first 6 innings of any regular season game.
(9a) Innings 7, 8 and 9 (or the last inning of the game previous to the 7TH inning) shall have no run limit and end only upon completion of 3 outs by the defending team.

10. Each team will play all other teams 1 time and based upon the leagues standings will then be divided into 2 divisions.
(10a) Division 1 will consist of the teams’ ranked number 1 – 6.
(10b) Division 2 will consist of the teams’ ranked number 7 – 12.

11. Teams play each team in their division 1 more time in regular season play.

12. All teams qualify for the playoffs.

13. Division 1 teams and Division 2 teams never meet in playoffs.

14. Each division plays to determine a Champion from the 6 teams in the division.

15. Top 2 teams in each division receive a bye in 1St round of playoffs.

16. Teams 3 vs 6 and 4 vs 5 will play a best of 3 game series. Winners advance.

17. The lowest ranked team advancing will play the 1ST ranked team.

18. The Semi-Final round will be a best of 3 game series.

19. The Final round will be a best of 3 game series.

20. Home team in the Final round will be determined by regular season ranking.

21. A team may only score a maximum 10 runs per inning in the innings of any playoff
game. The last inning shall have no run limit and end only upon completion of 3 outs by
the defending team.

22. Games tied after 8 innings (or last inning by umpire) shall go to an international tie break format

23. Playoff games shall have 2 umpires.


1. Teams must have a minimum of 9 players to play a game. 2 MUST be female.

2. Teams must finish a game with a minimum of 9 players. 2 MUST be female.

3. Teams with the minimum 2 females may only use 7 males.

4. The 3RD female position MUST be taken as out in the batting order.
(3a) Late arriving females may be added to the lineup upon arrival.
(3b) Upon arrival of the 3RD female, males may only be added to the line up if the Lead off batter has not yet batted twice.

5. Teams starting the game with 9 players, 6 males and 3 females may add players to the line up if the Lead off batter has not yet batted twice.

6. Batting order may not exceed 3 consecutive males.

7. Positions in the order may be held for a late arriving player (the batting team having already met the previous criteria) until that position in the batting order is required to hit.
(7a) Team captains may continue to hold the spot for the player but MUST take an
(7b) Team captains may delete the player from the line up with no penalty.

8. INJURIES occurring during a game will not be charged as out unless the 3 male to 1 female ratio in the batting is affected. In this case players leaving due to injury or sickness will be charged as an out unless a substitute player is added.

9. Males walked on 4 STRAIGHT balls, followed by a female in the batting order, will advance to 2ND base. The female MUST take her at bat.


1. Maximum 10 players on the field at one time.

2. Maximum 7 males on the field at one time.

3. Minimum 2 females on the field at one time.

4. No maximum of females on the field at one time to the maximum 10 players.

5. No fewer than 9 players on the field at one time.

6. Teams MUST play 4 outfielders or 3 outfielders and 1 rover.
(6a) Outfielders or rovers must start each at bat on the grass.

7. Designated Outfielders including rovers MAY NOT throw to 1st (FIRST) Base in front of a runner attempting to advance from home plate to 1st base.
(7a) If a ball is thrown in an attempt to make an out at 1st base by a Designated Outfielder or rover the runner will be awarded 2nd base and all other runners on base will advance One base.

8. Designated Outfielders including rover may throw behind a runner attempting to advance beyond 1st base.

9. Defensive players may indicate a fair ball that is unplayable (ball under fence, etc.) by raising 1 arm.
(9a) The umpire will check the ball position and award 3 bases if the ball is determined to be unplayable.
(9b) The umpire will award 4 bases if the ball is deemed to be playable.

10. All plays at home plate are force plays. Intentional contact will result in ejection.

11. Catcher MUST wear a mask.


1. Bunting or intentionally chopping the ball will be charged as an out.

2. Infield balls with a throw to first base require the runner to step on the ORANGE portion of the first base safety bag.

3. Anticipation step will be allowed only after the pitch has crossed the plate.

4. Runners crossing the commitment line between 3RD base and Home Plate MUST continue towards Home Plate.

5. Runners will be determined as safe if the runner has a foot down beyond the SAFE LINE at home plate and has not stepped on or over Home Plate.

6. Teams are allowed 3 courtesy runners per game and MUST substitute Male for Male, Female for Female or Female for Male with a player in their line up for that game. Same runner can be used multiple times.